"Two & You" is designed for children aged 18 months to 3 years old to attend with a loving adult. It will give you and your child an opportunity to spend quality time together, while visiting with others the same age. It will give you and your child an opportunity to spend quality time together, while visiting with others around the same age. Our goal is for the children to socialize with their peers, develop independent skills, learn about Jesus, and begin to understand structure through a normal classroom routine. If a parent is unable to attend, no worries! Send a grandparent, caregiver, neighbor, or friend... All Are Welcome!
At this time, 2024-2025 Class A and Class B (morning classes) are OPEN.
Please click below to register or call our office at 518-622-3286.

Who is The Leader?
Our leader for the Two & You Program is Christie Slater. She is the mother of three young boys, and is a certified teacher in Early Childhood Development with extensive experience teaching young children.
What Do They Do?
Each time your child visits, they will explore:
*Fine & Gross Motor Skills
*Sensory & Texture Development
*A Simple Bible Story
*Music, Movement, & Dance
*Arts & Crafts
*Circle & Story Time
*And of course... a Snack!

What's the Age Range?
Any child between 18-months and 3-years-old is welcome to attend with a loving adult.
What Does it Cost?
Full Year: $249 for 25 Sessions (payments can be split in two: first payment of $125 due with application & the second payment of $125 due 1/15/2025)
Checks may be made out to "Resurrection Lutheran Church" and either mailed or dropped off to the church office.
Please include the STUDENT'S NAME and “Two & You” in memo line.
Resurrection Lutheran Church
PO Box 563
Cairo, NY 12413
(518) 622-3286

Meeting Times
Class A from 9:00am-10:30am
Class B from 10:45am-12:15pm
*Sessions start September 2024!