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Stay in the know about upcoming events at RLC!

Sync your iPhone or Android smartphone with our Google Calendar!


iOS Devices 

To subscribe using your iPhone or iPad:

  1. Click your iPhone Settings icon.

  2. Select Passwords & Accounts from the list.

  3. Select Add Account.

  4. Select Other.

  5. Select Add Subscribed Calendar at the bottom of the list.

  6. Enter the subscription link in the server field:

  7. Click Next in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  8. The URL will be verified, and your subscription information will display.

  9. Click Save



Android Devices 

Download the Google Calendar app

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, download the Google Calendar app from Google Play

  2. When you open the app, all of your events will be synced with your computer.

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