Daily reflections upon the word of God and prayer are a vital part of the Christian faith. Through daily devotions, we are reminded of who we are as followers of Jesus and how we are to live in the forgiving light of His love. We are called each day to turn away from our sins, to receive the forgiveness that Jesus died for, and to walk in the ways of the Lord.
At Resurrection Lutheran Church, we offer a number of ways for devotions. We provide the Portals of Prayer, which in print includes a bible reading, and reflection based upon the reading and a short prayer. Portals of Prayer is a quarterly booklet and can be picked up at the church.
During the seasons of Advent and Lent, we provide through text or email, special devotions focusing out eyes on the Good News of that particularly season.
We also email “The Daily Good News”, which is a daily reading of a brief portion of Scripture. As we read the word of God, we ask three questions:
FORGIVENESS: What sin is God leading me to confess and be forgiven by Jesus?
THANKFULNESS: For what blessing is God reminding me to respond with thankfulness?
GUIDANCE: What action might the Lord be guiding me to do today?